Community Spotlight: Colorado Flower Collective

As we continue our reflections on sustainability we are excited to showcase another local flower partner, Colorado Flower Collective. We have had the pleasure of sourcing incredible local flowers from CFC for our Colorado-based events and learning about the origin story of their organization!

From Stefanie at Colorado Flower Collective:

“Our purpose at the Colorado Flower Collective is to make it easier for event and retail designers to source locally grown flowers. The farms in our area are bursting with so many treasures, we've just got to get them out into the world! In the day to day, our work is really all about logistics. I like to think of us as support staff for the other small businesses we work with. It may not make sense for each farm to have a dedicated team member to manage orders, but it becomes much more feasible when that position is shared by 15 farms. Bringing the flowers all together to one hub helps take a few errands off the plate of florists who are already stretched thin during the busy season. If we are going to make a true push for sustainability in the floral industry, I really believe we've got to simplify the process of sourcing local flowers.I'm spoiled in my role because I get to interact with all of my favorite people! Cruising seed catalogs, learning about different strategies and farming methods with growers, and then talking color palettes and helping a florist find just the right element for their design. It's inspiring to be surrounded by such a creative and cooperative community.”

Studio Mondine